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September 2015 Blog Posts (14)


       The native people of North America were of FAITH. They knew the Source through the natural world and they did in respect and reverence. Buffalo, Bear, Eagle and Salmon were known as LIVING SPIRIT and Source upon the Earth.  As spirit they were celebrated and worshiped as part of creation. The Popes canonization of the 'fountain-head' of the Carmel mission in Northern California was more than contemptuous. Instead the pope should have offered an apology to the ancestors of the native…


Added by Laura Berry on September 25, 2015 at 5:17pm — No Comments


       The native people of North America were of FAITH. They knew the Source through the natural world and they did in respect and reverence. Buffalo, Bear, Eagle and Salmon were known as LIVING SPIRIT and Source upon the Earth.  As spirit they were celebrated and worshiped as part of creation. The Popes canonization of the 'fountain-head' of the Carmel mission in Northern California was more than contemptuous. Instead the pope should have offered an apology to the ancestors of the native…


Added by Laura Berry on September 25, 2015 at 5:17pm — No Comments


      There were two unhappy people sitting on a bus bench at a bus stop and they were waiting for God. One was a Christian, one was Jewish. A Wiccan walked by and the Christian asked "Where are you headed, do you know?" The Wiccan answered, "I'm walking towards the Source." The Jew said "What will that get you?" and the Wiccan replied, "I'm imagining I'm on a  broomstick that can fly, and it's way better than sitting on my butt." Pew. For the Pope.

Added by Laura Berry on September 24, 2015 at 3:13pm — No Comments


      There were two unhappy people sitting on a bus bench at a bus stop and they were waiting for God. One was a Christian, one was Jewish. A Wiccan walked by and the Christian asked "Where are you headed, do you know?" The Wiccan answered, "I'm walking towards the Source." The Jew said "What will that get you?" and the Wiccan replied, "I'm imagining I'm on a  broomstick that can fly, and it's way better than sitting on my butt." Pew. For the Pope.

Added by Laura Berry on September 24, 2015 at 3:13pm — No Comments

Mabon: The Last of the Cycle of The Light Before We Begin The Circle of the Dark.The Blessing of the Circle of Wiccan

  Blessed Be in this the cycle of light, as we will then again know the circle of darkness that is of our Sun and the Moon and the Earth as we upon the Earth turn upon it  within the Heavens. IN THE CIRCLE OF CONTINUANCE Blessed Be as we are pagan and wiccan, as we seek to know our Source in all things. The Source who did not choose man before woman or a son over a daughter. In this faith in truth of the balance of creation we are pagan in harmlessness and peace. We are of the  Earth as we…


Added by Laura Berry on September 22, 2015 at 5:16pm — No Comments

Mabon: The Last of the Cycle of The Light Before We Begin The Circle of the Dark.The Blessing of the Circle of Wiccan

  Blessed Be in this the cycle of light, as we will then again know the circle of darkness that is of our Sun and the Moon and the Earth as we upon the Earth turn upon it  within the Heavens. IN THE CIRCLE OF CONTINUANCE Blessed Be as we are pagan and wiccan, as we seek to know our Source in all things. The Source who did not choose man before woman or a son over a daughter. In this faith in truth of the balance of creation we are pagan in harmlessness and peace. We are of the  Earth as we…


Added by Laura Berry on September 22, 2015 at 5:16pm — No Comments

MABON - Atumnal Equinox

       The Summer light has turned golden as leaves once green change their hue. The brilliant colors of the Living Tree given to us by our Source which shows of the wisdom of the SPIRIT as we age. MABON. The beginning of the time of gathering where we harvest what we have sown. And as we love and cherish our Earth and each other- BLESSED BE  to all who understand that  this is truly so.

Added by Laura Berry on September 18, 2015 at 3:34pm — 1 Comment

THE REDE of the twenty-first century. The Modern Wiccan.

..     Do no harm as I may see, that it is forever peace before prosperity. As Wiccan I can always say BLESSED BE to any in our Source..and be completely FREE. Thank you my Source for this life as I seek to know your will. As I am human and a caretaker of the Earth.. as it was a gift given to us an to others not human. BLESSED BE.        

Added by Laura Berry on September 17, 2015 at 4:45pm — No Comments

THE REDE of the twenty-first century. The Modern Wiccan.

..     Do no harm as I may see, that it is forever peace before prosperity. As Wiccan I can always say BLESSED BE to any in our Source..and be completely FREE. Thank you my Source for this life as I seek to know your will. As I am human and a caretaker of the Earth.. as it was a gift given to us an to others not human. BLESSED BE.        

Added by Laura Berry on September 17, 2015 at 4:45pm — No Comments

The Goddess Reflected In Western Religion..Where IS..Her Voice?

   The goddess is lost in Christianity, Judaism and Islam. The one called Mary is the last goddess found in western religion and there she is voiceless. The Goddess has a voice through WICCA. BLESSED BE SISTERS AND MAY YOU KNOW YOU VOICE THOUGH OUR SOURCE.

Added by Laura Berry on September 14, 2015 at 4:49pm — No Comments

The Goddess Reflected In Western Religion..Where IS..Her Voice?

   The goddess is lost in Christianity, Judaism and Islam. The one called Mary is the last goddess found in western religion and there she is voiceless. The Goddess has a voice through WICCA. BLESSED BE SISTERS AND MAY YOU KNOW YOU VOICE THOUGH OUR SOURCE.

Added by Laura Berry on September 14, 2015 at 4:49pm — No Comments


As all women are sisters, BLESSED BE as we do not judge. As we are Wiccan and united in love as we seek to know the will of our Source. A blessing to all sisters upon the Earth.

Added by Laura Berry on September 10, 2015 at 6:01pm — No Comments

Your Creative Muse and You

If you're the creative type, you probably spend way too much time beating yourself up about how UNCREATIVE you are.  Well, your friend Hawthorne is here to help.  Many people think they have a clear idea of what it means to be creative, and a whole lot of myths have been built up around that notion. It may be too much to say that  Everything You Thought You Knew About Creativity is Wrong, but this week we'll bust some creativity myths that, hopefully, once you see past them, will unleash…


Added by Hawthorne on September 8, 2015 at 7:47pm — No Comments

Welcome Seven of Nine

.This week on The Spiral Dance, let's give a welcome to the month of September!  It was once the seventh month, but has long been the ninth.  Ask me why!   Of course the main feature of September is the Equinox, which is coming up in a couple of weeks.  And we'll have our Mabon show at that time.

Meanwhile, let's talk about the Roman festival which was known as the Ludi Romani, which occured in September.

And I also want to talk about the Roman Goddess, Pomona.  Pomona was …


Added by Hawthorne on September 1, 2015 at 7:28am — No Comments

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