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December 2010 Blog Posts (6)


I need a good cream that makes shedding scales come off easier. Can any one help me?

Added by Ariyah Avri Brnandi Londaver on December 20, 2010 at 2:58pm — 2 Comments

O_o Twilight Zooooone

Weird day. Wierd Month. Wierd.

Ya know?

Added by Becky on December 14, 2010 at 2:15pm — No Comments

the words of nicky

When I wrote this I was thinking what it must be like for people who have to live on the streets. I felt that this could be used to grab people’s attention on how difficult it is for kids who have no choice to flee their homes do to drugs, violence, abuse, etc. It is my hope that this will help people realize just how lucky some of us truly are to have what we do have, and how there are people that would kill for the chance to have half of what we do. The way I see it if this makes you…


Added by Cameron S. on December 13, 2010 at 11:45pm — 2 Comments

my new journey....

On November25th I experienced an awakening. In a way it almost played out like a coming of age ceremony only or castrated by the God's/Goddesses, and ancient spirits (in my case The God of Fire Lou, The Moon Goddess Luna, Hecate, and the ancient spirits of the storm which I work with closely) First it was a beautiful lightning and thunderstorm yet it was a calm one, then it was supposed to snow, but instead it rained and just before night came a beautiful sunset emerged. Then on the way home,… Continue

Added by Cameron S. on December 7, 2010 at 10:55am — 2 Comments

My Book of Shadows

I finally started my book of shadows, on the front is the wiccan rede along with my wiccan name Nadine Nature. I chose this name because it suits me and has a personal meaning; Nadine is my middle name and I feel a strong connection to nature. Some might say, why don't you reverse it, but I feel it is better this way. I began my book of shadows by stating what king of wicca I want to practice, Eclectic Wicca, and some terms that I feel would be incorporated. The only thing that I have in so…


Added by Nadine Nature on December 6, 2010 at 8:22pm — 2 Comments

My inner power and light!

I know I have it, I can feel it; strong, powerful, burning within me. Now how do I bring it out and use it for all things good. I love the world and everyone in it regardless of what they have done, I just wish I could use my power to change things; whether they be big or small changes. There are just something in this world that should not be taking place on God's green Earth and I know I can have a part in making a difference. But I don't know where to start to harness my power. Can someone… Continue

Added by Nadine Nature on December 1, 2010 at 11:03am — 4 Comments

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