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October 2010 Blog Posts (10)

November Dates to Remember

1st - SH- Beltane - Depending on your particular tradition, there are

many different ways you can celebrate Beltane, but the focus is nearly

always on fertility. It's the time when the earth mother opens up to the

fertility god, and their union brings about healthy livestock, strong

crops, and new life all around.

1st - Samhain - Depending on your individual spiritual path, there are many different ways you…

Added by Gaia's Sacred Circle Coven on October 26, 2010 at 2:37pm — No Comments

I have worked my way beyond titles and Degrees, they are meaningless.

I have studied for years and once found a degree and title important. You tend to reach a plateau that says to your soul, "We are all just pilgrims along the path. When I can teach, I am honored to learn once again!" Fancy Wiccan schools tend to stifle a person as well as their abilities. Spend years in an environment that you have nothing else to learn. Somewhat a monastic Magickal environment.

This earned me degree after degree and honor after…


Added by Mark L. Lee on October 16, 2010 at 8:06pm — 1 Comment


As summer begins to wain and autumn comes to follow

A new year begins for us both sacred and hallow

We thank the Earth for her mighty gifts

We dance with mirth as the season shifts

Now is the time of the Red Mans reign

With candles alight we summon his name

Our altars are set the bonfires burn

We cast our chants and dancing in turn

Samhain comes it seems all so soon

With joy in heart we call down…


Added by Draggonlance on October 16, 2010 at 4:30pm — 2 Comments

Witches Amazing Grace

Amazing grace, how sweet the Earth

that bore a witch like me!

I once was burned, now I survive,

was hung and now I sing.

T'was grace that drew down the moon

and grace that raised the seas.

The magic in the people's will

will set our Mother free.

We face the East and breathe the winds

that move across this earth.

From gentle breeze to hurricane

our breath will bring forth the change.

Turn towards the South and feel the fire…

Added by Gaia's Sacred Circle Coven on October 16, 2010 at 2:21pm — No Comments

A Pagans "Halloween" Poem

Author Cather Steincamp

'Twas the evening of Samhain, and all through the place Were pagans preparing the ritual space.The candles were set in the corners with care,In hopes that the Watchtowers

soon would be there.

We all had our robes on (as is habitual)And had just settled down and were starting our ritual When out on the porch there arose such a chorus That we went to the door, and



Added by Gaia's Sacred Circle Coven on October 14, 2010 at 5:15pm — No Comments


weaving, molding

shaping power.

Beneath the moon

All things must sour,

But bless this union,

this act of love.

on this cold night

we light the fires above.

As breath climbs higher and passion grows

bless us in one of your sacred groves.

twisting and turning,

mingling and churning

heart beats rapid

creeks no longer placid.

power mounting

power growing

stars live and die



Added by Cat on October 14, 2010 at 3:11am — 2 Comments


Remember that this is just a guideline. You can (and should) adapt the ritual to fit your individual style and beliefs.

Supplies you’ll need for a basic ritual

1 yellow candle

1 red candle

1 blue candle

1 green candle

1 purple candle

A lighter or matches

Additional supplies you might like to use

A smudge stick made of dried sage (for purification)

Dried sweet grass (for the drawing of spiritual energy)



Added by nightwolf on October 11, 2010 at 12:42pm — No Comments


Although Nyx is the embodiment of Night in a literal divine personification, she is actually very similar to what people typically consider the Earth Goddess, Gaia. Nyx is found everywhere, she is most powerful at night, which is why her special children have always been vampyres. Since ancient times, vampyres have honored Nyx by living in a matriarchal society where women rule, but men are honored and respected for their roles as guardians and companions. Nyx ensouls the earth – filling rocks,… Continue

Added by nightwolf on October 11, 2010 at 12:35pm — 2 Comments

The truth is out there, but the lies are in your head.

This is my first blog be gentle.
Many people out there try to seek out a little understanding. They find a belief, usually one that is taught at an early age through local customs. Some have more fanciful ideas and seek out something that is different to them, and more exotic, but the goal is the same. The understanding of our world, the meaning of our existence, and the fantasy of gaining magical powers. The universe is far older than any of these beliefs, and much older than our world. It…

Added by Decimus Marcius Malleolus on October 8, 2010 at 8:09am — 4 Comments


We are Witches, We Are Ancients Those that stand out among shadows We

are weavers, healers and shamans, and warriors Judge and Jury And This

is our Creed.Do not Offend, But Defend Give your kin a house if they

have no home Remember in all forms are we the goddesses children in one

way or another She is the weaver, the threader and the cutter of Life No

matter what name she is called, she is the great mother, The All, The

Source Know the Great dance…

Added by Gaia's Sacred Circle Coven on October 2, 2010 at 4:18pm — No Comments

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